How fantastic! More than 1500 lawyers have attended my workshops & projects so far and learned the basics of the legal design method! Thank you very much for your trust! The best thing is: it never gets boring – every workshop or challenge is different. Nevertheless, all sessions have in common that the participants experience law from a different perspective and can develop first user-centric ideas. I am pleased to present some original quotes from clients here:
„The intensive, one-day workshop has led to enormous changes for us. We implemented 2 of the generated ideas!“ Legal inhouse counsel, publishing industry two month after the workshop
„You’ve succeeded in convincing even innovation sceptics, that is very impressive.“ GC, banking industry
„It was important to realize that you simply have to start approaching the topic of innovation. With your method you can do this in a playful way“. Legal inhouse counsel, banking industry
„The change management effect of the project surprised me the most – since then we have been working interdisciplinary without thinking much about it. That wouldn’t have happened without your help.“ Head of contracts, aviation industry after a 6 month intense project
„The thought-provoking impulses that I have received today directly help me to solve my everyday tasks.“ CG, banking industry
„Your workshop was very entertaining“ General Counsel, banking industry
„I now understand that contract design doesn’t just mean „making the document beautiful“. Rather, it’s really about researching the needs of the recipients and developing the right language and visualization based on that.“ Equity Partner, Magic circle law firm
„Since we started working together, it has been clear to me how important it is to change the perspective towards the client and user. Only if I understand the problem correctly from his/her perspective I am able to develop a meaningful solution.“ Inhouse Lawyer, publishing industry
„Thank you for the entertaining session that sparked the spirit of change in our team. We are now highly motivated to develop innovative solutions step by step – both for our internal processes and for our customers.“ Partner, Lawfirm
„Basically, you just have to start thinking at one point about what you can do better. The method gets the stone rolling.“ Inhouse Lawyer
„It helped me the most to learn how to break down a big topic into small modules with the journeymapping method. It showed me right away where the real problems are.“ Contract Specialist, software industry
„I particularly liked the fact that we didn’t jump right to solutions, but researched the need for such a long time. We had to hold back our ideas, but that was great! Without this method we wouldn’t have been able to develop so many different ideas.“ Associate, Lawfirm
„I didn’t think we’d get this far in such a short time. The question about the „Why“ is essential-that’s incredibly clear to me now.“ Equity Partner, Lawfirm
„Anyone who has ever worked with our re-designed contract can now no longer endure old contracts.“ Head of contracts, publishing house
„The use of the user-centric contract effectively saves us now 80% time plus, there is much less need for negotiation. Everything goes more smoothly and much faster.“ CEO Legal Tech Company
„We have realized that the user-centric NDA is helping us tremendously to build trust and sympathy with our business partners right from the start.” Head of contracts, aviation industry