Thanks to all participants and of course the one and only host and organizer of the conference, Rossana Ducato, for this amazing and insightful meta discussion about the future of legal design. This year’s Legal Design Roundtable covered the topic of 6 new legal design books that come along in 2021.
We had a vibrant discussion, saw different languages and approaches – from academic to practical ideas and left with some more questions when it comes to education and establishing a new profession of legal design.
We discussed with the following authors:
Michael Doherty | Professor of Law and Associate Head of Law School, Lancaster University, UK
Amanda Perry-Kessaris | Professor of Law, University of Kent, UK
José Torres Varela | Universidad Libre de Colombia, Colombia
Marco Imperiale | Lawyer and Head of Innovation, LCA Studio Legale, Italy
Helena Haapio | Associate Professor of Business Law, University of Vaasa; Docent of Proactive Law and Contract Design, University of Lapland, Finland
Astrid Kohlmeier | Legal Designer and Member of the Executive Faculty at the Bucerius Center on the Legal Profession
and discussants:
Lisa Toohey | Professor of Law, Newcastle Law School, Australia
Colette R. Brunschwig | Senior Research Associate, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Monica Palmirani | Professor of Legal Informatics, CIRSFID, University of Bologna, Italy
Stefania Passera |Passera design, Finland
Hallie Jay Pope| Lawyer and Chief at Graphic Advocacy, US
Arianna Rossi | Postdoctoral Research Associate,SnT, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Rob Waller | Director of the Simplification Centre and President of the International Institute for Information Design
The full program is here: Roundtable Legal Design 2021